What is BENN?

BENN stands for “Berlin Entwickelt Neue Nachbarschaften” – or “Berlin Develops New Neighbourhoods”.

BENN is a programme by the senate administration to promote urban development, construction and housing for neighbourhoods with accommodation for refugees and displaced people. The programme is run in partnership with the district offices. There are 16 locations altogether in Berlin and the Allende-Viertel is one of these locations.

BENN aims to strengthen social cohesion in the neighbourhood. It encourages exchange between long-time residents and new neighbours, and it helps refugees and displaced people to get involved in shaping neighbourhood life.

Four areas of action have been defined for achieving the goals of BENN: encounters and active cohesion; empowerment and participation; communication and dialogue; and networking and district development.

Every two years, a so-called action concept (Handlungskonzept) is written.

It contains ideas and recommendations for the BENN-Allende neighborhood so that people can live here happily and even better.

Here is the current Handlungskonzept.

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